
all over the world, once upon a time, know…about…, keep…for… 【1】________, there was an emperor who loved buying and looking at his beautiful clothes.【2】Do you ________ anything ________ the story The Emperor's New Clothes?【3】The old lady loved her grandson so much that she ________ everything good ________ him.【4】Children ________ love the Monkey King. 答案:【答案】【1】Once upon a time【2】 know about 【3】 kept for 【4】all over the world【解析】【1】句意:从前,有一个皇帝,他喜欢买和看他漂亮的衣服。观察句子,这里应该是缺少状语成分,句子时态为一般过去时,结合备选项once upon a time“曾经,从前”可作一般过去式的时间状语,故填Once upon a time【2】句意人类历史上不断进行着能量转化技术的进步,即能源革命.下列关于能源的说法,正确的是(  )A.核能都是原子核分裂时释放出来的能量B.地球50亿年积累的太阳能是我们今天所用大部分能量的源泉C.电能和风能都是通过消耗一次能源得到的二次能源D.化石能源、核能可以在自然界源源不断地得到,都属于可再生能源
英语 试题推荐