
What would Sally like their school to have?A. More books. B. More libraries. C. More clubs. 答案:【答案】C【解析】M: I love this new school here, there are more books and magazines in the library. What about you, Sally?W: But I hope there are more interesting clubs for us.下列加粗字的注音,有错误的一项是A. 倾轧(yà) 僭越(jiàn) 踯躇不前(zhí) 饮鸩止渴(zhèn)B. 檄文(xí) 噱头(xué) 风光旖旎(nǐ) 南辕北辙(zhé)C. 骁勇(xiāo) 粗犷(guǎng) 以儆效尤(jǐng) 鳞次栉比(zhì)D. 箴言(zhēn) 狡黠(jié) 因噎废食(yē) 分道扬镳(biāo)
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