
用括号中的适当形式填空【1】At home, she ________ (not have) to wear the uniform.【2】How far is it f________your home to school?【3】How about ________ (go) fishing this afternoon.【4】Can their ________ (梦想) come true?【5】There are six ________ (hundred) students in their school.【6】Does he have to w________ a uniform at school?【7】Parents and schools make ________ (规矩)to help students.【8】These ________ (village) are very friendly.【9】There is a big r________ between the school and the school.【10】Fruit and vegetables can be helpful to keep pe2.A、B两物体从同一地点出发,在同一直线上做匀变速直线运动,它们的速度v-时间图象如图所示,则下列判断正确的是(  )A.A物体的加速度较大B.A、B两物体运动方向相反C.t=2s时,A、B两物体处于同一位置D.在相遇前,A、B两物体的最远距离为8m
英语 试题推荐