
【1】It is your job ____________ (wash) the dishes.【2】Hurry up! Daniel! We________________ (leave) in ten minutes.【3】They look the same. We can___________ (hard) tell the differences between them.【4】We will surely win the match in the_____________ (竞赛).【5】The results of the match will be ___________ (宣布) during the programme.【6】They ____________ (not find) out the answer until I ______(tell)them next Monday.【7】The doctors are saving a______________(die) old man now.【8】The lost cat ____________ (lie) dead among the trees when they found it.【9】Surfing is阅读下面这首唐诗,回答问题。重送裴郎中贬吉州唐 刘长卿猿啼客散暮江头,人自伤心水自流。同作逐臣君更远,青山万里一孤舟。小题1:本诗为送别诗,试述首句写景的作用。(4分)小题2:第二句的两个“自”用得十分传神,请作简要赏析。(2分)小题3:最后一句在写法有什么好处?请简要分析。(4分)
英语 试题推荐