
Answer the questions(根据短文内容回答下列问题):Researchers from two universities in Britain recently carried out a very interesting project.They aimed to find out what modern family needs from their home.The lucky family chosen to take part in the project was the Joneses:parents Paul and Eve and their two sons,Jimmy (16)and Harry (13).They have just spent two months living in a specially designed hi﹣tech future house,where cameras recorded everything they did.TV while you batheSo what's in this modern house?It boasts (夸耀) five bedrooms and fi“一国两制”构想是中国政府为开辟祖国统一大业提出的一项基本国策,最初是为了解决什么问题提出的( )A.澳门问题B.香港问题C.台湾问题D.少数民族问题
英语 试题推荐