
阅读短文内容,回答下面的问题。These are the starts of jobs in our city.Tony is a pilot. He always stays on the plane. It’s a dangerous (危险的) job. He is very kind. He likes cooking food and reading books very much.Ben is a postman for China Post (中国邮政). He works in a post office. He is very busy every day. He gets up early in the morning and then he goes to work by bike.Anna works in a hospital. But she is not a doctor. She is a nurse. She is busy too. She usually works at least (至少) 8 hours a day. She likes helping others so she likes her job very much.What d某小岛上蜥蜴进化的基本过程如下所示。有关叙述错误的是         A.若图中X、Y、Z表示生物进化中的基本环节,则Z是隔离 B.根据达尔文的观点可认为,有利性状的蜥蜴个体世代间不断保存 C.现代生物进化理论认为,该岛上蜥蜴进化过程中基因频率一定发生变化 D.该小岛上的蜥蜴原种和蜥蜴新种共同组成一个种群
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