
阅读下面的文言文,完成下面小题。刘善明,平原人,少而静处读书,刺史杜骥闻名候之,辞不相见。年四十,刺史刘道隆辟为治中从事。父怀民诵善明日:“我已知汝立身,复欲见汝立官也。”善明应辟,仍举秀才。宋孝武见其对策强直,甚异之。春始初,徐州刺史薛安都反,青州刺史沈文秀应之。时州治东阳城,善明家在郭内,不能自援。伯父弥之起义背文秀。善明密契收集门宗部曲,得三千人,夜斩关奔北海。文秀既降,除善明为电骑校尉,出 根据对话内容,从对话后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 A..Would you help me with my English? B.See you then. C.I'm not sure. D.That's all right. E.Let me see. F.Great! G.I've no idea. A.You look worried.What's wrong? B.Hmm,…Are you free sometime tomorrow? A. 1 .What's the matter? B.You see I didn't pass my English test.   2  A.No problem. 3 How about tomorrow evening? B. 4 Shall we meet after supper at school? A.All right.   5  B.See you.
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