
Historical fictions allow the young to experience history in an entertaining way, to meet people or to learn about other times and places. The following are some books which are sure to bring your children different experiences.Castle Diary : The Journal of Tobias BurgessAuthor: Richard PlattIllustrator(插图画家):Chris RiddellOverview(概要):With an oversize format and wonderfully detailed illustrations, young readers get a firsthand view of daily life in a castle in 1285 as Tobias Burgess, who is 11 years old, recounts his experiences.Awards : Parents' Choice Awards, Nota第二次世界大战时期,有一只信鸽为了把情报送到总部,在双脚被炸弹炸飞的情况下,忍痛飞了回去,但在它完成任务后不久就死去了,人们把它的身体做成了模型以纪念它。其实,信鸽很早就有“军中不会说话的特殊兵种”的美称。请根据以上材料,归纳信鸽有哪些形态结构和生理功能适于飞翔生活。(1)信鸽的体形为__型,这种体形可以减少飞行时的___,它的身体可分为头、颈、躯干、尾和四肢五部分。前肢变成__,全身除喙和足以外,其他部分都被覆着____。(2)信鸽用___呼吸,并有薄壁的___辅助呼吸。(3)请写出信鸽与飞行生活方式相适应的特征:__________。(两点即可)
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