
找出划线部分错误, 将序号填入括号中, 并在横线上改正。【1】We can improve our English with reading new words. A B C【2】We didn’t know where he was though his father told us last night. A B C【3】You spent too much time lead in to a question. A B C【4】Why not you send the letter to this address? A B C【5】Lisa was so careless that she made many spelling mistake in her home work.. A B C【6】It’s impolite to ask for help direct . A B C依次填入下列句中空缺处,恰当的一组词语是( ) 摆手舞追忆的是土家族先民创业的艰辛,缅怀的是祖先的功绩,展示的是古往今来的生活场景,涵蕴的是人与社会、人与生活、人与自然的和谐。它使封闭的山寨 了,使沉寂的村落 了,使古老的土地 了,使天涯的距离 了……A.开明 喧哗 年青 比邻 B.开通 喧闹 年少 拉近C.开放 喧嚣 年轻 咫尺 D.开朗 喧嚷 青春 缩短
英语 试题推荐