
Did you take part in a camp last summer? There are so many summer camps and not all of them are the same. To choose which camp is best for you, first you must do a bit of research.Maybe you've never thought about it before, but every great summer camp has the same main goals—opportunity,challenge and growth. They are results that all campers are trying to achieve.Opportunity means you can get a situation in which it is possible for you to do something special. It also makes you special because other kids don't have the same opportunity. For example, if you are interested in writing, then y右图是 A、B、C三种物质的溶解度曲线。请回答:            (1)t1℃时,A、B、C三种物质的溶解度由大到小的顺序是    ; (2)当A中混有少量B时,可用          方法提纯A; (3)t2℃时,在100g水中放入      克A物质恰好形成饱和溶液,此时溶液中溶质的质量分数为             。                
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