
(1)物理实验课上,老师拿出一个电路板如右图1所示,当开关S闭合后发现灯L不亮.现已确定是灯L的短路或断路引起的,要求检测是哪一种故障,小羽和同学做了如图2的检测电路.将故障电路的开关S断开分别把M、N接到a、b接线柱上.若检测灯亮,则故障是 . 若检测灯不亮,则故障是 (2)老师的表扬激发了小组成员的实验热情.小羽把家中带来的电位器连入检测电路M、N两点,且顺时针旋转,小灯泡逐渐变亮.请你说出他们的连接方法是如图3所示 选词填空。请从方框内选择适当的词语完成这封信。 Writing, talking,sitting ,playing, swimming , flying,sunny, studying,drawing, having Dear Bob,     My name is Rich . I'm fourteen years old . I 'm __1__ in a middle school . My school is nice and clean. There are 30 students in my class . It's __2__ today . My classmates and I are __3__ a good time on the  beach .It's a nice place .The water is blue and clear . Many birds are __4__ over the sea . Many people  are __5__ . Some boys are __6__ football . Some people are __7__ on the beach . A girl is __8__  pictures on a chair .Another girl is __9__  photos . I'm __10__ to you ! What are you doing ? I hope you  can write to me soon .                                                                                                                           Best wishes!                                                                                                                                  Rich
物理 试题推荐