
Protect Children from Cyber-bullyingWhen you think about bullying, you might think of a child being bullied by another in the schoolyard. As more young people have access to computers and cell phones, traditional bullying has gone digital, which has not yet gained awareness in Chinese parents.Cyber-bullying, first invented by Canadian educator Bill Belsey, is the use of the Internet and related technologies to harm other people, in an intentional, repeated, and unfriendly manner. It involves threatening text messages, the spread of online rumors on social networking sites, and intentionally ke下列推理或实验结论正确的是         A.蔗糖、葡萄糖等有甜味,则糖类物质都有甜味 B.鸡蛋清中加入某盐溶液,有固体析出,蛋白质不一定变性 C.溶液中析出晶体时,溶质减少,则溶质的质量分数一定减小 D.某化肥中加熟石灰研磨,未闻到氨臭味味,该化肥一定不是氮肥
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