
在法国大革命期间,通过采取一系列果断措施,打退外国军队的进攻,平息国内的叛乱,把革命推向高潮的是( )A.克伦威尔 B.拿破尔 C.路易十六 D.罗伯斯庇尔 答案:【答案】D【解析】依据所学可知,在法国大革命期间,欧洲国家组成反法联盟进攻法国,法国国内的保王党势力乘机抬头,妄图复辟。在异常严峻的形势下,以罗伯斯庇尔为首的雅各宾派组成了救国委员会,通过采取一系列果断措施,打退外国军队的进攻,平息国内的叛乱,把法国大革命推向高潮,所 选择正确的句子补全对话。 A. What day do you like? B. What do you have on Monday? C. What day is it tomorrow? D. Do you have science on Tuesday? E. What does he do in the afternoon? 1. — _________________________________________________    — We have English and math. 2. — _________________________________________________    — Tomorrow is Saturday. I want to swim with my friends. 3. — _________________________________________________    — No, we have computer class and art class. 4. — _________________________________________________    — I like Sunday., because I can play with my friends. 5. — _________________________________________________    — He plays computer games.
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