
信息还原Long ago, there was a wise old woman. All the children used to ask her questions. 【1】 There was a naughty little boy. One day, he caught a little bird. He held it in his hands. 【2】 Then he had an idea.He said to himself, I'll ask her what's in my hands. Of course she will know that I have a bird. 【3】 If she says the bird is dead, I'll open my hands and let the bird fly away. If she says the bird is alive, I'll quickly kill it and show her the dead bird. This time she won't give me the right answer.The boy went to the old woman. He said, Granny, I have a question for you19.如图是某密闭容器中物质变化过程的微观示意图:(1)A、B、C中表示混合物的是A.(2)上述变化I、Ⅱ和Ⅲ中,厲于化学变化的是变化I,该化学变化中一定不变的粒子是碳原子和氧原子(填粒子名称).(3)A图中“”表示构成氧气的粒子,氧气的化学性质比较活泼,铁可以在纯净的氧气中燃烧,其燃烧的现象为剧烈燃烧、火星四射、生成了黑色固体物质,放出大量的热,若实验室采用分解过氧化氢的方法制取氧气,其化学方程式为2H2O2$\frac{\underline{\;MnO_2\;}}{\;}$2H2O+O2↑.
英语 试题推荐