
Once there was a young lion named Leo who loved to play. He often played with his brothers and sisters. Sometimes his mother would play with him, too. But Leo wished for ___ more. He wanted to play with other ___.So one day Leo walked up to Millie the monkey. “Would you like to play with me?” he asked.I cannot play with you,” said Millie. “Lions are __.”Then Leo asked Fred the fox to play. But Fed’s mother had told him to __ lions. Pat the pig said that lions did not make good friends.Leo had tears in his eyes as he went along.Leo heard a __ sound as he was walking home. Someone se下图为我国疆域“四极”地区景观图,完成下列各题。1.四地中最晚迎来新一天的地方是( )A.漠河 B.帕米尔高原 C.乌苏里江 D.曾母暗沙2.四地中夏季气温最低的是( )A.漠河 B.帕米尔高原 C.乌苏里江 D.曾母暗沙3.图中漠河与曾母暗沙之间南北跨近50个纬度,直线距离约为( )A.5000千米 B.5200千米 C.5500千米 D,6000千米
英语 试题推荐