
听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。【1】Which gate will the man leave from?A.Gate 10. B.Gate 18. C.Gate 20【2】When will the plane take off?A.At l: 00 pm. B.At l: 30 pm. C.At 2: 00 pm. 答案:【答案】【1】B【2】C【解析】【原文】M:It’s 1:30 pm now. I’ve missed my plane. W:Well,actually,the flight has been delayed due to the bad weather. M:Great. That’s good news for me.W:May I check your luggage and see your ticket,please?M:Here you are. Do I leave from Gate 15 or Gate 10?I can’t remember.W:Gate 20.Oh,sorry,it has been changed to Gate 18如图所示,有一等腰三角形薄铁板,其底板BC=4dm,AB=xdm,现将其按图示截取一个半圆(半圆圆心在底边上,且与两腰相切),半圆的面积为y,求函数y=f(x)的解析式及定义域.
英语 试题推荐