
听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。【1】Why does the man make the phone call?A.To ask for a day off.B.To make an appointment.C.To inform the woman of a lecture.【2】What is wrong with the man?A.He has a fever. B.He feels light-headed. C.He has no appetite.【3】When will the man go to see the doctor?A.At 3:00 this afternoon.B.At 2:00 tomorrow afternoon.C.At 3:00 tomorrow afternoon.孔子周游列国,企望推行自己的主张,却遭冷遇的主要原因是A.孔子的学问太深奥,各国统治者无法接受B.孔子政治上的保守主张,不适合当时社会大变革C.孔子是个顽固派,要求维护周礼D.孔子“仁”的学说,诸侯国国君无法接受
英语 试题推荐