
An APP called FitGenieFitGenie uses man-made intelligence to track what you eat, count calories (卡路里) and help make meal plans.Price and Platform: Free for the basic version (版本). Apple and Desktop.Advantages:● Simple and user-friendly design.● Take a picture of your food to easily track meals.● The app uses artificial intelligence to recognize what’s in a photo. Easily add the size of your food and extras like barbecue sauce to keep an exact record.● Start with a nine-question assessment (评估) to create a program which is fit for your age, body type, diet preferences, g下列依次填入横线处的词语,恰当的一组是( ) ①借助于美国人的   扶植,日本在上世纪六七十年代就已跃居为世界第二大经济强国。 ②这家医院医生医术高明、医德高尚,许多重病、疑难病患者都愿意到这里   。 ③中国政府    台湾同胞的切身利益,始终以最大的诚意争取台湾问题的和平解决。 ④常言道:“    。”一个人再聪明能干,离开了人民群众的支持,也终将一事无成。 A、鼎力 应诊 考虑到 孤掌难鸣 B、大力 就诊 鉴于 一个巴掌拍不响 C、鼎力 应诊 鉴于 一个巴掌拍不响 D、大力 就诊 考虑到 孤掌难鸣
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