
Vaping can be just as damaging to your health as smoking. But the minute you kick the habit, you’ll feel a difference.Vaping is the use of electronic cigarettes-e-cigarettes. Vaping became mainstream in the United States in the late 2000s. When e-cigarettes first hit the market, people believed they were a safer choice to tobacco cigarettes. We now know, however, that vaping, like smoking cigarettes can be quite damaging to your health-and equally addictive.Kids and teenagers are especially attracted to vaping, thanks to attractive flavors. Vape use in high school students rose by 900 percen下列各句中,加点的词语使用恰当的一项是(3分)A.在学校举行的元旦文艺晚会上,高二某班自编自演了一部话剧,两男生将剧中的人物演得绘声绘色,博得了观众的热烈掌声。 B.季羡林先生虽已仙逝,但他那平易近人的文字却留下了不朽的印记,他对人世间五味的品评留给人们永久的回味。C.新时期的党员干部既要解放思想,更要埋头实干,而不要当侃侃而谈、光说不干的“战略家”“思想家”“理论家”“指挥家”。D.身处高三的我们踌躇满志,意气昂扬,为了改变落后的局面,为了实现自己的理想,大家都做着不懈的努力。
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