
诗歌赏析榆河①晓发谢榛朝晖开众山,遥见居庸关。云出三边外,风生万马间。征尘何日静,古戍几人闲?忽忆弃繻者②,空惭旅鬓斑。(注释)①榆河:在今北京之北,地形险要,为明朝京城的北方锁钥。②弃繻者:《汉书·终军传》载。繻,古时用帛制成的出入关卡的凭证。【1】下列对这首诗的赏析,不恰当的两项是A.本诗是一首五言律诗,标题中的“晓”字与首联的“朝晖”相呼应。B.颔联景中有所托兴。云出三边,隐示边外多事;风生万马,小题1:We had a lot of fun _______ (sing) in the classroom.小题2:She decided ________ (buy) the red dress.小题3:This sound made the baby ________ (cry).小题4:Most boys enjoy _______ (play) football after school.小题5:The shop is always ______ (crowd) on weekends.小题6: Would you like _____ (go) shopping with me?小题7:I saw a little girl ______ (look) for her parents on the street when I walked across it.小题8:______ (be) you at the shop last Friday?小题9:The boy spends a lot of time ________ (practice) the piano in the room.小题10:Look! Who _______ (stand) near the door?
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