
下列语句中划线的成语使用不当的一项是( ) A . 经过一段时期的休养,再次见到老张的时候,他已是神采奕奕、满面红光。 B . 那个“差”字像一个张牙舞爪的魔鬼,时时出现在他的梦里。 C . 向书本学习,向老师学习,向同学学习,我们要的就是这种诲人不倦的精神。 D . 昨天,结束了连续两天的阴雨天,迎来了一个艳阳天,迫不及待要出工的采茶工开始忙着采茶了。Do you get stressed out sometimes ? Are you confused about what is really important in  __     __  life ? Don ' t worry . You are not alone ! Many teens say they have a lot of stress in their lives. Homework , friends and busy schedules can make anyone feel down . The good__     __  is there are lots of ways to reduce stress. Here are just__     __ suggestions . First of all, what shouldn't you do ? Well , you shouldn't stay out __     __. Going to parties and hanging out with friends are fine when you are feeling well ,but you should not do these things too often when you are stressed out . __     __, you should not get too nervous about school stuff. Schools and school activities are an important part of your life , but you should not worry about homework . __     __. You have to enjoy other things in life ,too!    What should you do ? Most importantly, you should be good to your body . Take it easy sometimes. Listen to some music and maybe __     __ your friends . Another piece of good advice is to get outside and exercise! Go hiking or camping , play a sport for__     __. Do something active and you will soon forget the__     __ and remember — when you are really stressed out , go to bed and get some sleep . Most problems usually seem better in the morning . 1.A. your          B. his              C. her 2.A. ideas         B. news             C. keys. 3.A. any      B. much.     C. some. 4.A. late      Blast.                   C. early. 5.A.too.      B. also.     C. either. 6.A. too many  B. much too.     C. too much 7.A. talk with  B. talk about      C. talk aloud. 8.A. work       B. fun     C. money. 9.A. time         B.advice.          C. stress.
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