
阅读理解Boredwith your life? Dreaming of something different? When I feel like that I lookup and wonder what life would be like 400 km above my head. That's where theInternational Space Station travels around the Earth, with six astronautsliving and working on board for months at a time. Howdo they sleep? They spend the night floating in a sleeping bag inside a smallroom on the ceiling. American astronaut Sunita Williams explains, It'slike a little phone booth but it's pretty comfortable and it doesn't matter ifI turn over and sleep upside down. I don't feel I'm upside down. Brushingyour t“不仅要与否定、反对‘九二共识’的各种势力进行坚决斗争,而且还要纠正在这一问题上存在的偏差。”这是因为维护“九二共识“,就是A.维护大陆主导地位 B.认同一个中国原则C.坚持共.产.党的领导 D.体现“一国两制”原则
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