
为规范政府采购行为,提高工作透明度,财政部发布了《政府采购公告和公示信息发布管理办法(征求意见稿)》,面向社会公开征求意见。该做法有利于①通过民主监督保障公众知情权 ②提高民主决策透明度和公众参与度③通过集中民意保障公民决策权 ④公民通过重大事项社会公示制度参与民主决策A. ①② B. ①③ C. ②④ D. ③④The Garden of Eden is said to be a beautiful place which gives joy. Where could it be found? The Garden of Eden is the place where God is supposed to have created a garden for Adam, the first man. Some people hold it to have been situated in the Mesopotamian region between the River Tigris and Euphrates. The Tree of Knowledge grew in this garden and it was there that man fell from grace in God’s eyes because he ate fruit from this tree, urged by Eve, the first woman. As they did what they were told not to do, it is said, God devised three punishments. The man was to farm the earth, which was cursed; the woman was to experience painful childbirth; and the snake who urged the woman to persuade the man to eat the fruit was from that day on to be hated by mankind. Adam had to be driven out of the Garden of Eden because the Tree of Life also grew there and this would have given him eternal(永恒的) life. It is said that in the end man is given knowledge and death rather than ignorance and eternal life. The Garden of Eden has been represented in many famous paintings and poems. In man’s imagination it has always been an ideal to which he longs to return. 1. Which of the following statements about the fruit in the Garden is true? A. The man and the woman were not allowed to eat the fruit. B.Everybody could try the fruit. C.God asked people not to share the fruit. D.Anybody who ate the fruit would be stupid. 2. Adam and Eve were to be punished by God just because ______. A. Eve ate the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge B.they did what they were told not to do C.they touched the Tree of Knowledge in the Garden D.Adam loved Eve so much 3.The sentence“man fell from grace in God’s eyes”means that ______. A. God would not create any garden for man B.human beings were not clever in God’s eyes C.man lost the kindness from God D.God found the mistake made by man 4. What is the main idea of this passage? A.The Garden of Eden can’t be found, although people long to go there. B.The Garden is situated somewhere between the River Tigris and Euphrates. C.The Garden of Eden has been the main subject of paintings and poems. D.God created the Garden but man destroyed it.  
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