
ElisabethQuestion(2 days ago):Did you use to be shy? If so,how did you overcome(克服) it and how longdid it take? I need your help.LucyAnswer 1(Yesterday):I was very shy when I was in high school.Over the last 5 years or so I have worked very hard at overcoming it.I started by making conversations with friends’ friends that I didn’t know.It did take a lot of effort(努力).Now I can talk to almost everyone.TinaAnswer 2(2 hours ago):Yes, I was shy about two years ago.It took me about two years to overcome my shyness.Don’t worry.Find your confidence(自信) and you’ll overcome your fea下列各句中,加点熟语使用正确的一项是(  ) A.在广州混了几年的李一鸣,这次回来搞起了房地产,开着宝马到处跑,俨然一个大老板,叫人不得不另眼相看。 B.随着人事制度的不断完善,机关事业单位中尸位素餐的现象将大大减少,机关事业单位的工作作风将有很大的转变。 C.俗话说一个巴掌拍不响,我们双方必须精诚合作,才能把这项造福苏北百姓的浩大工程做好。 D.今年入夏以来,我们这里的气温一直偏低,给人以六月飞霜的清冷感觉
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