
唐朝是世界公认的中国最强盛的时代之一,以至于今天,仍有很多人追忆看唐朝追忆那盛世的欢歌,追忆那开放的胸怀,追忆那诗歌中的豪边。阅读材料,回答问题(治世篇)(1)请根据上面两幅图片及下面所给的年号,说出这两位唐朝帝王的名字,并说出他们在位时出现了怎样的治(盛)世局面。年号帝王治(盛)世局面图(a)贞观 图(b)开元 (2)这两位帝王在位时采取了哪些相同的措施促进了治(盛)世局面的形成?(交往篇)材料一:太36、阅读短文,根据短文内容及首字母提示,在空白处填入一个适当的单词。 We are often asked to make speeches. Most of us are afraid of doing this and don’t do a good j_______(1). Here are some simple steps to make your speech a(2) s_________ one. First of all, find out everything you can about your subject and at the same time find out as much as you can about your audience(观众). Who are they? W________(3) do they know about your subject? Put yourself in their shoes as you prepare your speech. Then try to arrange(整理) your material so that your speech is clear and easy to f________(4). Use as m________(5) examples as possible. Never forget your audience. Don’t talk over their heads o________(6) talk down to them. When you are g_______(7) your speech, speak slowly and clearly and look at your audience. Pause for a few seconds f_________(8) time to time to give your audience a chance to think over what you have said. Just remember: be prepared, know your subject and your audience, you have to say and be yourself. Then your i_________(9) will bring you and your audience t________(10).
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