
The designer, Charles Frederick Worth (1825-95), was the first to sew labels into the clothes that he created. Because of this and his international fame, Worth is generally considered to be the father of _________ , which started in the late 19th century. Before then, making clothes was mainly done by _________ dressmakers whose clothes were influenced by what people were wearing at the French royal court. Worth, originally from England, moved to France in 1846, where he enjoyed considerable success with the nobility. Since then, there have been even greater successes for other designers, suc修改病句。(1)我的家乡是长春人。(2)从此以后,唱歌就爱上了我。(3)今天,日本的小朋友来我校观看。(4)我们要保护学校卫生。(5)今天上午下了一天的大雨。(6)看到一只黑天鹅在池塘里游泳。
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