
Section C Direction:Read the following text and choose the most suitable summary from A—F for each paragraph. There is one extra summary which you do not need. A. Promotion by the press and media. B. Foreign influences into British cuisine. C. The variety of British cuisine. D. The effect of history and climate. E. Traditional meals for different times of the day. F. International awards to British cuisine. 1 ______ They say a country’s cuisine(烹饪) is a reflection of its culture and national character. Therefore, the UK has always been a diverse country, since every region has i10.函数f(x)=(${\frac{1}{2}}$)${\;}^{{x^2}-2x}}$的值域为(  )A.(0,+∞)B.[2,+∞)C.(-∞,2]D.(0,2]
英语 试题推荐