
There are two types of people in the world. Although they have equal degree of health and wealth and other comforts of life, one becomes happy and the other becomes unhappy. This arises from the different ways in which they consider things, persons, events and the resulting effects upon their minds.People who are to be happy fix their attention on the convenience of things: the pleasant parts of conversation, the well prepared dishes, the goodness of the wine and the fine weather. They enjoy all the cheerful things. Those who are to be unhappy think and speak only of the opposite things. There阅读课内片段,完成练习。 ①我和母亲坐着小船,到乡下外祖父家里去。我们坐在船舱里。天下着大雨,雨点打在船篷上,沙啦沙啦地响。船夫披着蓑衣在船后用力地摇着橹。 ②后来雨停了。我看见一只彩色的小鸟站在船头,多么美丽啊!它的羽毛是翠绿的,翅膀带着一些蓝色,比鹦鹉还漂亮。它还有一张红色的长嘴。 ③它什么时候飞来的呢?它静悄悄地停在船头不知有多久了。它站在那里做什么呢?难道它要和我们一起坐船到外祖父家里去吗? ④我正想着,它一下子( )进水里,不见了。可是,没一会儿,它( )起来了,红色的长嘴( )着一条小鱼。它( )在船头,一口把小鱼( )了下去。 ⑤母亲告诉我,这是一只翠鸟。哦,这只翠鸟搭了我们的船,在捕鱼吃呢。【1】选文的题目“搭船的鸟”中的“搭”字用得很好,因为________。【2】第________段写了翠鸟的外形特点,我们从________、________、________、________这些表示色彩的词语中能看出作者观察得非常细致。【3】请把下面的词语填在短文第④段的括号里。 站 飞 冲 吞 衔从这些动词中,我们能体会到________________。【4】《搭船的鸟》写了一次平常的探亲之旅,因为“我”的留心________,得以认识了一位可爱的新朋友________,给旅途增添了快乐。
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