
完形填空When I was in junior high, the eighth­grade bully hit me in the stomach.Not only did it1and make me angry, but the embarrassment and humiliation were almost2 . I wanted desperately to even the score!I planned to 3him by the bike racks the next day and let him have it. For some reason, I told my4to Nana, my grandmother.She said,“Good5cause good results, and evil deeds cause bad results.”I told her, in anice way, 6 , that I thought she was full of it.I told her that I did 7things all the time,and all I got 8was “baloney!”(I didn't use that word.)She stuck to her 选一选,填一填。兴趣    有趣1.宇航员在宇宙飞船里生活真(  )。2.我对太空生活很感(  )。必须    需要3.小丽更(  )别人的关心。4.我今天(  )去一趟图书馆。
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