
(题文)材料一:“秦王扫六合,虎视何雄哉;挥剑斩浮云,诸侯尽西来”材料二:著名导演张艺谋的电影《英雄》的主题是“为天下的人是大英雄”,认为秦始皇是一个大英雄,然而众说纷纭。(1)“秦王扫六合”指的是什么事件?发生在那一年?(2)秦统一六国后,在制度方面进行了创新,在中央建立了什么制度。他在地方上推行什么制度?(3)秦始皇为巩固统一在文化、经济、军事上采取了什么措施? 根据短文内容用方框中所给的词的正确形式填空。 country, mean, Italy, one, find, if, America, as, to, however     What is "American food"? 1._____ many people, American food 2._____ hamburgers, hot dogs and fried chicken. 3._____ you have a sweet tooth, you may even think of apple pie or chocolate chip cookies. It's true that 4._____ do eat these things. Except for (除了) Thanksgiving turkey, It's hard 5._____ for another typical "American food". The U.S. is a land of people who come from different 6._____ . When people move to America, they bring their cooking styles with them, too. So you can find almost every kind of food from other counties in America. Sometimes Americans even look on such foods 7._____ their favorites. For example, they love 8._____ pizzas, Mexican tacos and Chinese egg rolls. 9._____ ,these foods in American don't taste quite like their original (原先的) 10._____ .
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