
The world is a colorful landscape of different languages, skin colors, and different cultures 【1】A way to develop this appreciation is to try to learn about other cultures around the world.There are several ways to become Knowledgeable about different cultures. 【2】 ,Reading works by authors who have a close relationship with a particular culture allows people to gain an accurate glimpse into the food, music, language, religion, and way of a life of a particular group of people. For example, 【3】, she will often read them stories based on a cultures folktale.Another way to learn abou(2013•杭州一模)设函数f(x)=|logax|(0<a<1)的定义域为[m,n](m<n),值域为[0,1],若n-m的最小值为13,则实数a的值为(  )A.14B.14或23C.23D.23或34
英语 试题推荐