
What’s the point of studying? It’s something you might ask yourself if you’re studying for a degree and you’re struggling to complete homework or in an exam, especially if your friends seem to be out having a good time, or are working and earning lots of money.Many of us choose to go to university as a first step towards a good career but sometimes that career is to go to university as a first step towards a good career but sometimes that career is hard to achieve and graduates end up doing something they are overqualified for. With the increasing costs of university, students begin to改革开放后,中国大批学生到欧美留学和大量民工涌向我国东南沿海大城市,两者的共同之处是(   ) A.都是政策性移民,具有自发的性质。 B.交通和通信的发展是最重要的拉力因素 C.地区自然条件相差很大,环境质量不同是决定性因素 D.都是追求自身职业更好的发展,谋求更高的生活水平
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