
你认为如表所示反映的主题是( )时间地区北方南方宋初人口100多万户人口230多万户北宋贡献财政收入20%贡献财政收入80%南宋谚曰:“天上天堂,地下苏杭。”又曰:“苏湖熟,天下足” A. 人口大量南迁 B. 宋朝社会生活 C. 经济重心南移 D. 苏杭生活富足 答案:【答案】C【解析】依据图表信息结合所学可知,该兴趣小组研究的主题是经济中心南移。我国经济重心南移经历了一个历史发展的过程。三国两晋南北朝时期,江南地区得到开发,北方依然是我国的经济重心;隋唐时期,江南地区进一步得到开发,并逐渐赶上北方;南宋时期,经济重心南移最终完成,根据以下哈尔滨、北京、武汉、广州降水量年变化柱状图,选择最佳答案。() 1. has the most rainfall.   A. Beijing   B. Wuhan   C. Guangzhou   D. Haerbin() 2. The rainfall is heavy from to,covering 80% of the year's amount (总量) .   A. April;July   B. May;September   C. July;November   D. August;November() 3. We know from the above information.   A. the north has much more rainfall   B. Guangzhou gets the most rainfall in June   C. the south has much more rainfall   D. In Wuhan, the most rain comes in July() 4. Beijing gets rainfall than .   A. less;Haerbin   B. far more;Wuhan   C. less;Wuhan   D. more;Guangzhou() 5. Which of the following is TRUE?   A. The rainfall of Guangzhou in May is as heavy as in July.   B. The rainfall in Wuhan is about the same in May and July.   C. There is enough rain in the east,but little rain in the west.   D. The rainfall in the north is as much as that in the south.
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