
Remembering names is an important social skill. Here are some ways to master it. Recite and repeat in conversation. When you hear a person's name, repeat it. Immediately say it to yourself several times without moving your lips. You could also repeat the name in a way that does not sound forced or artificial. Ask the other person to recite and repeat. You can let other people help you remember their names. After you've been introduced to someone, ask that person to spell the name and pronounce it correctly for you. Most people will be pleased by the effort you're making to learn their nameⅠ.为提高小麦的抗旱性,有人将大麦的抗旱基因(HVA)导入小麦,筛选出HVA基因成功整合到染色体上的高抗旱性T.植株(假定HVA基因都能正常表达).(1)某T0植株体细胞含一个HVA基因.让该植株自交,在所得种子中,种皮含HVA基因的种子所占比例为 ,胚含HVA基因的种子所占比例为 .(2)某些T0植株体细胞含两个HVA基因,这两个基因在染色体上的整合情况有下图所示的三种类型(黑点表示HVA基因的整合位点).①将T.植株与非转基因小麦杂交:若子代高抗旱性植株所占比例为50%,则两个HVA基因的整合位点属于图 类型;若子代高抗旱性植株所占的比例为100%,则两个HVA基因的整合位点属于图 类型.②让图C所示类型的T.植株自交,子代中高抗旱性植株所占比例为 .Ⅱ.果蝇的繁殖能力强,相对性状明显,是常用的遗传试验材料.果蝇对CO2 的耐受性有两个品系:敏感型(甲)和耐受型(乙),有人做了以下两个实验.实验一:让甲品系雌蝇与乙品系雄蝇杂交,后代全为敏感型.实验二:将甲品系的卵细胞去核后,移入来自乙品系雌蝇的体细胞核,由此培育成的雌蝇再与乙品系雄蝇杂交,后代仍全为敏感型.①此人设计实验二是为了验证控制 的基因位于 中.②若另设计一个杂交实验替代实验二,该杂交实验的亲本组合为 .
英语 试题推荐