
根据短文理解,选择正确答案。 It all began with a stop at a red light. Kevin Salwen was driving his 14-year-old daughter,Hannah,back from a sleepover in 2006.While waiting at a traffic light,they saw a black Mercedes Coupe on one side and a homeless man begging for food on the other. Dad,if that man had a less nice car,that man there could have a meal, Hannah protested.The light changed and they drove on,but Hannah was too young to be reasonable.She pestered(纠缠)her parents about inequity,insisting that she wanted to do something. What do you want to do? her mom responded. 补写出下列句子中的空缺部分。(1)《次北固山下》一诗中,表现时序变迁,新旧交替这一自然规律的诗句是: , 。(2)杜甫一生失意,常陷入病痛孤独之境,《登高》一诗对此有直接描述的诗句是: , 。(3)《离骚》中屈原阐明人各有各的乐趣,而他穷其一生追求美政诗句是: , 。
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