
As graduation day approached, excitement increased. Being out of high school meant I was finally coming of age(成人).Soon I would be on my own, making my own decisions, doing what I wanted without someone looking over my shoulder and it meant going to school with boys-a welcome change coming from an all-girl high school.There was never any question in my mind that I would go to a college away from home. My mother's idea, on the other hand, was just the opposite. Trying her best not to force her preferences on me, she would subtly ask whether I had considered particular schools, all of which 图为某同学探究铁、铜、银三种金属活动性顺序的一组实验:(1)上述实验中,有气泡产生的是(填写装置序号)    ,请写出这一反应的化学方程式    .(2)我国古代“湿法冶铜”就是利用了C中的反应原理,请写出该反应的化学方程式    .(3)通过上述实验,还不能证明铁、铜、银三种金属的金属活动性顺序,请你在此基础上补充一个实验帮助这位同学达到实验目的. 实验步骤现象结论 
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