
One day, at night, a thief tried crawling (爬行) into a farmer couple’s house. In the house lived many mice. The woman in the moonlight saw a mouse crawl into the house. “Look! In comes one.” She said to the man in the house. The thief was so frightened that he hurriedly crawled out of the house and said to the one waiting outside, “She found me when I was just in.” But the thief outside didn’t believe him, so he said, “Let us two try to crawl into the house together.” At that time two mice happened to crawl into the house, too. The woman saw the mice and shouted, “In come 某化学兴趣小组取一定量的过氧化氢溶液,准确测定了过氧化氢的含量,并探究了过氧化氢的性质。请填写下列空白:Ⅰ.测定过氧化氢的含量(1)移取10.00 mL密度为ρ g/mL的过氧化氢溶液至250 mL_______(填仪器名称)中,加水稀释至刻度,摇匀。移取稀释后的过氧化氢溶液25.00 mL至锥形瓶中,加入稀硫酸酸化,用蒸馏水稀释,作被测试样。(2)用高锰酸钾标准溶液滴定被测试样,其反应的离子方程式为________。(3)判断滴定到达终点的现象是_________________________。(4)重复滴定三次,平均耗用c mol/L KMnO4标准溶液V mL,则原过氧化氢溶液中过氧化氢的质量分数为____________。(5)若滴定前滴定管尖嘴中有气泡,滴定后气泡消失,则测定结果_________(填“偏高”或“偏低”或“不变”)。Ⅱ.探究过氧化氢的性质该化学兴趣小组根据所提供的实验条件设计了两个实验,分别证明了过氧化氢的氧化性和不稳定性。(实验条件:试剂只有过氧化氢溶液、氯水、碘化钾淀粉溶液、饱和硫化氢溶液,实验仪器及用品可自选。)请将他们的实验方法和实验现象填入下表:实验内容实验方法实验现象验证氧化性________________________验证不稳定性________________________
英语 试题推荐