
Severe plantar fasciitis (足底筋膜炎) meant I’d been a full-time wheelchair user since I was 12. By the time I was 16, I just wanted my leg off. It took six years for the doctors to operate as they insisted on waiting until I was older and in a good enough place mentally. I held off until I finished my degree. Afterward, with an artificial leg fitted, the world felt like a different place. I’d not walked in years. Suddenly I was a lot taller and no longer in any pain.When I was in a wheelchair I discovered a real love for sport. I started to compete in wheelchair racing, and soon foun 若关于t的不等式组,恰好有三个整数解,则关于x的一次函数的图像与反比例函数的图像的公共点的个数为             。
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