
A report from: Kelvin Grove State High School, London, Grade:7 Name: Edward Scott Term ending: May 6thSubjectsRemarksMathHe is a little weak in this, but he has tried his best to catch up with others.ScienceHe can work out many difficult problems. Well done!EnglishHe is the best in the class. Keep it up!FrenchHis reading is very good, and he can remember many words.HistoryHe is not so good at this, but he has done better than before.GeographyHe is familiar with the names of many places in the world.MusicHe does like pop songs, and he sings very well. Principal M.L.Martin【1】After reading t对“以”和“于”的用法判断正确的一项是 [     ]①即除逆阉废祠之址以葬之            ②以勇气闻于诸侯 ③不能容于远近                      ④而君幸于赵王 A.①②相同,③④相同          B.①②相同,③④不同 C.①②不同,③④相同          D.①②不同,③④不同 
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