
Having fun at winter campHere's a list of some winter camps in Los Angeles to choose from. No matter what you choose, they'll be happy!Photo CampThis adventure begins with a basic overview of camera functions and ends with an exhibition featuring the kids' work from the week. Through games and expeditions(短程旅行),campers will develop their photographic eye and learn new ways of seeing.Ages; 8 — 16Dates: Jan. 5 — Feb. 5Skill/Experience Level;Beginning/intermediateWhat to Bring: flashcards, lunch, camera *(we have cameras for those who don't)CodeREV Kids Tech CampsCodeREV K在一个不透明的盒子里,装有四个分别标有数字1,2,3,4的小球,它们的形状、大小、质地等完全相同.小明先从盒子里随机取出一个小球,记下数字为x;放回盒子摇匀后,再由小华随机取出一个小球,记下数字为y.(1)用列表法表示出(x,y)的所有可能出现的结果;(2)求小明、小华各取一次小球所确定的点(x,y)落在反比例函数y=的图象上的概率;(3)求小明、小华各取一次小球所确定的数x,y满足y<的概率.
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