
How many times a day do you check your email? When you wake up? Before bed? A dozen limes in between? The technology that was supposed to make our lives simple has taken up too much time. The average teen spends more than seven hours a day using technological devices, with an additional hour just text-messaging friends.The advantage of technological devices is connectedness. Email lets us respond on the go, and we are in touch with more people during more hours of the day than at any other time in history. But is it possible that we’re lonelier than ever, too? That’s what MIT professor She5、历史影视作品是对历史进行的艺术加工,但必须尊重历史事实。下列有关美国南北战争的影视情节与历史小实不相符的是 A.1861年“南部联盟”率先挑起内战           B.战争结果是北方取得胜利 C.林肯在战争结束前夕遭刺杀身亡               D.林肯颁布《解放黑人奴隶宣言》
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