
A. B. C.D. E.【1】It is a team sport played by two teams of four players each team on a rectangular (矩形) area of ice. The game is played with 16 large granite (大理石) stones. Each stone weighs 19. 96kg. The team with the most points wins the game. 【2】It is played between two teams. The players wear ice skates on their feet and can skate across the ice at very high speeds. They hold hockey sticks, which they use to push, shoot or pass a puck. (冰球) around the ice. 【3】Players ski along paths to compete in the sports events. They jump forward and land as far as possible down 桌子上有一些叠起来的棋子,棋子分黑、白两色.从上面、后面和左面观察这些棋子,看到的如下图.一共有(  )颗棋子.A.18B.16C.15
英语 试题推荐