
阅读理解 Peter is a small boy. He is eight yearsold. Now he is a student in a primary school. Of all his subjects, he likes P.E., music and math. He thinks they are fun and easy. But he doesn't like history.He thinks it is boring and difficult. He always can't understand(理解) what his history teacher, Mr. Black, says in class. One afternoon, while Mr. Black is giving alesson to the students, Peter is reading a storybook in class. When is our National Day? Mr.Black asks Peter suddenly (突然地). Peter doesn't knowthe answer. Is it difficult for you, Peter? OK! Let me ask an easyquestio有五名同学先后对一物体进行五次精确测量,记录结果如下:14.72 cm,14.71 cm,14.82 cm, 14.73 cm,14.73cm。根据数据分析,刻度尺的分度值是__________,其中有一次记录结果是错误的,它是__________,本次测量的结果应记作__________。
英语 试题推荐