
阅读理解 Every May it happens.I drop to my knees,just outside the back door,raise my arms to the sky and shout,That's it!I give up!Take my flower beds,you killer weeds!Blackberry vines(藤蔓),this land is yours!Vines,climb up and kill my trees one by one!I'm done!” Then I get up,lie down on the swing,and close my eyes.I'm sure I can hear the weeds growing and the vines creeping in(悄悄爬进).I swear they are all laughing at me,too.They don't even have the manners to wait until I leave there. There is no denying that gardens are battle zones in the spring.I blame it on those A如图所示的物体是一个几何体,其主视图是( )A.B.C.D.
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