
阅读材料,结合所学感悟历史。 习.平在一次重要会议上言辞恳切地说:“我经常看中国近代的一些史料,一看到落后挨打的悲惨场景就痛彻肺腑!”直面近代中国,在鸦片战争后的百年里,和外国签订了一系列不平等条约,割地、赔款、五口通商、协定关税、领事裁判、租地……中国社会发生了巨大的变化。日本在中国开设工厂、中国人不准在租界内居住、清政府保证严禁人民参加反帝爱国运动等,象征着曾辉煌一时的东方大国的没落,是清朝落伍于Made from the hide (兽皮) of bushy-haired animals, fur is known as the first material used for clothing.It was used by early humans like the hominoids (类人猿) to keep warm during the winter season or when they traveled to cooler regions.Traditionally, animals were hunted down to produce fur coats.At present though, some animals like the mink (水貂) and the fox are bred and farmed for their fur.Now, wearing fur is considered a luxury because of its price and availability.     Fur coats are produced and used all over the world especially in cooler countries like Russia and Northern Europe.These are usually made from the fur of bigger animals like bears, wolves and foxes which are hunted down for their meat and hide.Because of this, several of their species have become endangereD.Yet, until now, there has been no law passed to regulate the fur industry.That’s why Animal rights groups, including stars, continue to campaign against fur clothing including fur coat manufacturing.     Dennis Rodman is the first man, and the first sports star, to do a photo shoot for PETA’s “Rather Go Naked Than Wear Fur” series.     During the Fashion Week of NYC in 2005, Rodman came not to sit in the front row at a show, but to unveil his provocative (挑衅的, 震动的) new PETA advertisement.In the very tents where designers were pushing fur.In PETA’s advertisement, Rodman appears nude (赤裸的) --- except for his tattoos --- alongside the caption ( 插图说明), ” Think Ink, Not Mink,” and urges :” Be comfortable in your own skin and let animals keep theirs.”     Rodman watched Pamela Anderson’s three-minute video showing how animals live and die before being made into fur coats.“If you actually look at the video firsthand, it gives you a different perspective on animals and how they’re treateD.It’s heart-wrenching to see what they go through,” he saiD. 56.According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT true ? A.People raise minks and foxes to get their fur. B.Early humans used fur to keep warm. C.There are blanks in legal system to regulate the fur industry. D.Many species have been extinct because of the need for fur. 57.By quoting the example of Dennis Rodman, the author intends to show that _______ . A.Stars take advantage of every opportunity to make themselves famous B.Stars are less likely to wear fur. C.More and more stars have taken part in the campaign against fur clothing. D.Stars belong to Animal rights groups. 58.The underlined word “heart-wrenching” in the last paragraph most probably means __________ . A.upset and painful      B.surprising     C.interesting     D.encouraging. 59.What is the best title for this passage ? A.Fur Industry   B.Campaign Against Fur Clothing C.Animals Are Endangered  D.An Animal Rights Activist
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