
听下面一段独白,回答以下小题。 (1) What is the main idea of this passage? A . How to make an excellent class newspaper. B . How to ask questions as a qualified journalist. C . How to collect questions that interest the students most. (2) What is the most important when creating a paper? A . The hottest issues of the school life. B . The students' interest and attention. C . The student reporters' strengths and specialties. (3) Which is mentioned as a hot topic that students care about most? A . The coming holiday. B . Cafeteria food 政治体制改革中最重要的是有序扩大民主。阅读下列材料,回答问题。材料一:图A 图B材料二:这种制度(雅典民主政治制度)的根本缺陷,在于它不要求其领导者具有任何特殊的知识,它将社会的命运委之于缺乏真知灼见的人们的手中。——(古希腊)苏格拉底(1)材料中图A人物是谁?他所说的“政治制度”的民主性有何表现?图B中“公民大会”的地位如何?(2)根据材料二指出“这种制度”的根本缺陷是什么?该缺陷可能会导致什么危害?(3)综合上述材料及所学知识,谈谈你对雅典“民主”的认识。
英语 试题推荐