
改错题:1.我国长江流域先民河姆渡居民最先种植的粮食作物是粟。2.我国有文字可考得历史是从商朝开始的,那时的文字是金文。3.周族首领周武王联合各部落击败商朝军队,灭亡商朝,建立东周。4.孙武是春秋时期兵家的创始人,代表著作有《孙膑兵法》。5.《史记》是我国历史上第一部编年体通史。A Letter to a Friend February 12,2001   Dear Mary,   It is early afternoon and I am sitting in a small restaurant close to my work. It is raining and I'm feeling homesick(思乡的). I'm thinking of you and all of my friends in Mexico. I miss everyone. Outside the streets are crowed with people. All of them are wearing coats and carrying umbrellas. Everyone is in a hurry to get to a dry place. Buses and cars are moving up and down the street. Inside it is warm and pleasant. There are two old women at the table next to mine. One of them is wearing a funny hat. They are talking and laughing. A young man is sitting at a small table near the window. He is eating a piece of pie. It looks delicious. You know, the food in New Orleans is very good. I am fine. I am learning a lot in my classes. I like most of my teachers and classmates. I have classes every morning. I work every afternoon and I study every evening. I don't have much free time, but I like my life in New Orleans.   I hope that you are well and happy. How is school? How 1s your English? Can you read my letter? Please write soon. I enjoy your letters with news from home. Your friend, Maria   根据所给短文,回答下列问题。 1.Where does this letter come from? It comes from________ ________. 2.What does Maria do every afternoon? She ________ in the restaurant every afternoon. 3.What was the weather like that day? It ________ ________. 4.How was Maria's life every day? He was ________ ________ every day. 5.How was Mary's English? Do you know? Mary's English is ________ ________ than Maria's.
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