
阅读短文,回答问题When you travel in Hong Kong SAR, you must be careful of the trafficrules, because the traffic keeps to the left. Before crossing the street, youmust look to the right and then to the left. If the traffic lights are red, thetraffic must stop, and people can go across the zebra line. If the trafficlights turn green, the traffic can go and people mustn't cross the road. In the morning and in the evening, when people go to or come from work, thestreets are very busy. The traffic is very dangerous. When you go somewhere bybus in Hong Kong SAR, you have to be careful, too已知二次函数自变量x与函数值y之间满足下列数量关系:x-3-2-1012345y15830-103815那么的值为( )A. -2 B. -1 C. 0 D. 1 A 【解析】根据表中的数据可知,抛物线的对称轴是x=?=1,则?=2.当x=1时,y=a+b+c=?1, 则(a+b+c) =? (a+b+c)=2×(?1)=?2, 故选:A.
英语 试题推荐