
阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。Jane Goodall, the well-known scientist, is starting Trees for Janeon Tuesday, joining a global campaign to fight1changeby planting a trillion trees by 2030. Goodall made it2that planting is just one part of Treesfor Jane. The key is3existing forest because those big trees4have stored CO2,she said in a National Geographic interview. 5toTrees for Jane will support local groups working to stop destroying trees. Andthose who plant are asked to agree to6thetrees and monitor them7they're mature. Of co 2011年10月,“碳捕集与封存国际论坛”在重庆召开,重庆合川介绍了把CO2压缩、液化后封存在泥岩中的办法.关于封存CO2的必要性和可行性的叙述中错误的是 [  ] A.CO2分子间有间隔 B.CO2气体较易液化 C.CO2是导致酸雨的主要气体 D.大气中CO2 增加会造成温室效应
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