
生物分类的等级依次是、、纲、、、属、。其中是生物分类的基本单位。 答案:【1】界【2】门【3】目【4】科【5】种【6】种短文选词填空。(plant at in on flowers pink April May warm hot Because season)Spring is the best ____1____ of a year. It’s from March to ____2____. A lot of ____3_____ come out. Some are red. Some are ____4_____ and some are white. The weather is windy and ____5____. Spring is the best time to ____6_____ trees. I like spring best. _____7_____ my birthday is ____8_____spring. It’s ____9_____ 18th. I usually have a party _____10_____that day.
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